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Chinese translation for "pretty cool"


Related Translations:
pretty:  adj.1.漂亮的,俊俏的,(女子)标致的;(男子)清秀的,潇洒的;(场所、物件等)整洁的,精致的;(花园、山谷等)可爱的;秀丽的,美丽的。2.优柔的,(男性)女人气的。3.优美的;悦耳的;有趣的;(游戏等)愉快的。4.好的,妙的;〔反语〕好〔表示糟糕的,拙劣的〕。5.机灵的;巧妙的;狡猾的;贴切的,恰当的。6.〔俚、方〕相当的,好多的。7.〔古语〕(军人等)魁伟的,英勇的
prettys:  宝贝风
prettiest:  极美
prettier:  较美丽
pretty bad:  相当差
pretty busy:  相当忙
pretty boys:  漂亮男孩
pretty pass:  尴尬,困境,糟糕
pretty ricky:  绝妙瑞奇
pretty eyebrow:  美眉
Example Sentences:
1.Lionel : so , what ' d you think ? pretty cool , huh
2.Well dickie you ' re actually a pretty cool guy
3.I don ' t feel it . - yeah . it ' s pretty cool , huh
? ?我摸不到它? ?当然了,很棒,对吧?
4.It ' s pretty cool the way i got us our free room
5.- i don ' t feel it . - yeah . it ' s pretty cool , huh
? ?我摸不到它? ?当然了,很棒,对吧?
6.It ' s pretty cool the way i got us our free room
7.I don ' t feel it . - yeah . it ' s pretty cool , huh
? ?我摸不到它? ?当然了,很棒,对吧?
8.- i don ' t feel it . - yeah . it ' s pretty cool , huh
? ?我摸不到它? ?当然了,很棒,对吧?
9." he is pretty cool and has a kind of an aura .
"他非常非常地酷,身上有独特的"光环" 。
10.- i don ' t feel it . - yeah . it ' s pretty cool , huh ?
? ?我摸不到它? ?当然了,很棒,对吧?
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